On the Ways of the white bird

So is called literary and bibliographic edition, that was published  for  the anniversaryof the prominent film makers in the publishing house "Bukrek." It happened with the financial support of Chernivtsi Regional State Administration and persistence of collective Chernivtsi regional museum of local history.

Appealing biography of Mykolaichuk made Evdokia Antoniuk-Havryschuk, decorating - Rudolf Lekalov, Alexander Kolesnikov. Evdokia Ivanovna Antoniuk-Havryschuk was an initiator of founding of the museum of Mykolaichuk in his native village Chortoryia. About that how the museum was born and about current exhibits is also a story in the publication. And yet, many photographs from the life of Ivan and many frames from movies of brilliant actor and director.By the 70th anniversary of countryman each bukovinian tried to join a good cause."Bukrek" together with the local history museum enterweave with this wreath of remembrance and gratitude  his flower.